MOvement behaviours and health indicators in children with a chronic MEdical condition or disability: an iNTernational mUlti-centre prograM (MOMENTUM): A pilot study to test a novel health survey

PI: Pat Longmuir

Study contact: [email protected]

Study contact full name: Pat Longmuir

Research Area: Healthy Active Living and Obesity

Who to contact regarding participating: Jenna Yaraskavitch

Lay Summary: Momentum is a survey project designed to gather information about healthy lifestyles (physical activity, nutrition, sleep, screen time, emotional well-being) among adolescents (12-17 years of age) with any type of medical condition or disability. The survey is also designed to gather input from adolescents and families about the research priorities that they would have in the area of healthy lifestyles. The primary site for MOMENTUM is McMaster University. The study is approved by the McMaster and CHEO research ethics boards. Teens with a medical condition or disability and one parent/guardian will be enrolled in the study. Families that agree to enroll will provide an email contact to our research team that will be shared with the McMaster research coordinator. The link to complete the study questionnaires will be sent from McMaster and all follow up will be done by that team. Participants will be asked to complete the series of standardized healthy lifestyle questionnaires and the feedback regarding research priorities at the time of study enrollment. The questionnaires would take approximately 1 hour to complete. The questionnaires will be sent a second time a day after they are completed as part of the test-retest reliability evaluation. Adolescents will be asked if they are willing to wear an activity monitor for one week – this is an optional part of the study. All participants will also have the opportunity to indicate whether they would like to be contacted about future studies/discussions regarding the setting of research priorities. Involvement in any future discussions/research is optional and will not affect participation in this study. Teens who participate will receive a certificate of volunteer hours and a gift card in appreciation of their time. All participants will have the option to receive the overall study results.