Virtual psychoeducation for improvement of pain catastrophizing in pediatric presurgical patients and caregivers: A proof-of-concept study

Pain catastrophizing (PC) is the tendency to magnify the threat value of pain sensations and is associated with greater postsurgical pain intensity, functional disability, and pain chronicity. Higher parental PC predicts higher chronic postsurgical pain in youth. Treating PC in caregivers and youth prior to surgery may improve recovery and surgical outcomes. We developed and evaluated a psychoeducational workshop addressing PC for presurgical youth and their parents/caregivers. We hypothesized that parent/caregiver and youth PC scores would decrease over time. We also explored preintervention levels of youth anxiety and depression as moderators of outcome.

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  1. Danijela Maras

    Investigator, CHEO Research Institute

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  2. Nick Barrowman

    Associate Scientist, CHEO Research Institute

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  3. Christine Lamontagne

    Investigator, CHEO Research Institute

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