Dr. Roger Zemek is a pediatric emergency physician researcher with experience in multicentre studies, randomized controlled trials, and systematic reviews. His primary research interest is in pediatric concussion, including systematic reviews, guideline development, health administrative datasets, derivation and validation of clinical prediction rules, and interventional trials. Dr. Zemek is leading TRANSCENDENT – Transforming Research by Assessing Neuroinformatics across the Spectrum of Concussion by Embedding iNterdisciplinary Data collection to Enable Novel Treatments, a partnership between the CHEO Research Institute, the Ontario Brain Institute, 360 Concussion Care and a network of researchers across Canada and the United States. The principal goal of the TRANSCENDENT integrated discovery program is to identify markers that can be used to track concussion recovery across the spectrum of injury and use new and emerging technology to improve the diagnosis and advance the management of patients with concussion.
Dr. Zemek’s national research program on pediatric concussion includes leading the largest pediatric concussion study to-date examining the predictors for Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms in children (5P study). He also has led studies to optimize return to physical activity (PedCARE), return to school, and screentime. He leads the international Living Guideline for Pediatric Concussion that provides up-to-date best available evidence recommendations for health care professionals providing care for pediatric patients with a suspected concussion and information for patients, families, teachers and coaches. Dr. Zemek has also been an investigator on multiple asthma and bronchiolitis studies, COVID-19 studies, and mental health studies of children presenting to a pediatric Emergency Department.
Dr. Zemek plays an active role in supporting national and international pediatric and concussion research organizations through a number of volunteer leadership positions, including the Past Chair of the Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) network, Executive committee of the Canadian Concussion Network (CCN), and a member of international committees for concussion such as NIH-NINDS, International Traumatic Brain Injury Research, the North American Brain Injury Society board of directors, 6th International Consensus on Concussion
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Research Projects
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Study results demonstrate that the BRAVA intervention has the potential to reduce SI among adolescents who present to hospital services in crisis. Further studies are required to establish BRAVA's efficacy in a randomized controlled trial.
Canadian Anaphylaxis Network- Predicting Recurrence after Emergency Presentation for Allergic REaction (CAN-PREPARE): A Prospective, Cohort Study Protocol
Adolescents with a Concussion Have Altered Brain Network Functional Connectivity One Month Following Injury When Compared to Adolescents with Orthopedic Injuries
Early Analgesic Administration and Headache Presence 7-days Post-Concussion in Children
Nasopharyngeal swabs vs. saliva sampling for SARS-CoV-2 detection: A cross-sectional survey of acceptability for caregivers and children after experiencing both methods
Though most youth find saliva sampling painless and prefer it to nasopharyngeal swabs, primary decision makers present for the experience generally remain accepting of both methods for COVID-19 testing.