After an MD at the Free University at Brussels and a specialty in neuropsychiatry at the Catholic University of Leuven, he obtained a PhD in Health Sciences (psychophysiology) at the Université Paris 6. After postdoctoral studies at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (Paris). Dr. Robaey continued his research at the Sainte- Justine University Hospital Center (Montreal), and later at the Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and the Ottawa University Institute of Mental Health Research (Ottawa). Dr. Robaey is the funding director of the CHEO Neuropsychiatry Research Laboratory located at CHEO.
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Research Projects
Two-month administration of methylphenidate improves olfactory sensitivity and suppresses appetite in individuals with obesity
The results from this study showed that the administration of short-acting MPH, a drug that increases brain synaptic dopamine levels, improved olfactory sensitivity and suppressed appetite compared with placebo in individuals with obesity. Changes in olfactory sensitivity, however, were not correlated with changes in appetite sensations or changes in BW and body composition in the MPH group.