Juliana Choueiry

Investigator, CHEO Research Institute

Juliana Choueiry is a pediatric registered nurse and research nurse at CHEO, with research expertise in pain care for children with cognitive impairments and clinical experience working in various outpatient and inpatient areas as well as the emergency department at CHEO.

Research Projects

  1. Evaluating the French version of an online training course for a pediatric pain assessment scale


    Discussion: An improvement of the quality of videos linked to mild pain, and the quantity of videos for all levels of pain, is required for this study to be replicated among a larger sample.

  2. Home-Based Pediatric Cancer Care: Perspectives and Improvement Suggestions From Children With Cancer, Family Caregivers, and Healthcare Professionals


  3. Development and pilot evaluation of an educational tool for the FLACC pain scale


    This study aimed to develop an online educational tool and evaluate its effect on nurse knowledge, user confidence, and scoring accuracy.