Jason Brophy

Investigator, CHEO Research Institute

Dr. Jason Brophy is a pediatric infectious diseases specialist and researcher at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa. His research interests are in pediatric and perinatal HIV, congenital CMV, and tropical/zoonotic infections. He is the current chair of the Canadian Pediatric & Perinatal HIV/AIDS Research Group (CPARG), and co-lead of the Clinical Care and Management research core of the CIHR-Canadian HIV Trials Network. He works part-time as a Pediatric HIV Clinical Advisor with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), supporting the uptake of optimal pediatric HIV care in West-Central Africa and Southeast Asia.

Areas of Research: Congenital CMV, Tropical and zoonotic infections, Vaccines

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Research Projects

  1. Challenges to achieving and maintaining viral suppression among children living with HIV


    In this study, we report on rates of viral suppression and the time to viral suppression among children living with HIV in Canada who initiated cART, and the factors associated with viral suppression and shorter time to viral suppression, and subsequent viral rebound. Our results highlight that despite living within a well structured resource-rich health system with universal healthcare coverage, Canadian children living with HIV face ongoing challenges with respect to attaining and maintaining viral suppression.

  2. Blood Mitochondrial DNA Content in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


    HIV exposure and ASD diagnosis were both independently associated with elevated blood mtDNA content in children and adolescents between the ages of two and 16 years. In children with both HIV exposure and ASD, mtDNA content was further elevated. These results clearly warrant further investigation into the possible effects of maternal, clinical, demographic, environmental, and other factors, and to validate whether these findings are reproduced in other cohorts. Furthermore, the prevalence of ASD within our HEU cohort is concerning and stresses the need for longer follow-up and further research on the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in the rapidly growing HEU population worldwide

  3. Immunogenicity and Safety of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Girls Living With HIV


    Our results underscore potential differences in HPV vaccine response in girls living with HIV and provide data to support the maintenance of a 3-dose HPV vaccination schedule6 until research supports noninferiority of a 2-dose schedule in this population. Further, these findings highlight the importance of HIV virologic suppression before vaccination to optimize antibody response.