Alicia Kerrigan

Investigator, CHEO Research Institute

Dr. Kerrigan is a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon at CHEO and Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa. Her clinical practice is largely focused on sports medicine, knee and ankle arthroscopy, lower limb deformity correction, and general fracture care. As an early career researcher, Dr. Kerrigan’s primary research interests are focused on pediatric and adolescent joint preservation surgery, in particular adolescent knee injuries and patellofemoral instability. She is involved in numerous biomechanical and clinical studies here in Ottawa, as well as with collaborators nationally and internationally.

Research Projects

  1. Poster 246: Epidemiology of Tibial Spine Fractures in Children: A National Multicenter Study


    This study represents, to our knowledge, the largest epidemiological report to date of pediatric patients with tibial spine fractures. TSFs were more common in males than females (66.1% male), and the median age at injury was 12.2 years, which falls within the commonly reported range of 8-14 years. Furthermore, only 5.8% of patients had closed regional physes, corroborating the theory that TSFs are more likely to occur in skeletally immature individuals. We believe the data presented in this study can be useful towards patient counselling by providing a comprehensive view of the common presentations of and treatment pathways for tibial spine fractures in the pediatric population.