CHEO & OHSN REB Harmonization Agreement
In 2019 the CHEO and OHSN REB’s entered into an institutional agreement, in order to streamline the ethics review of studies happening at both CHEO and the Ottawa Hospital.
What does this mean for researchers?
Studies falling under the jurisdiction of both CHEO REB and OHSN REB (i.e., activity at both sites) will no longer require that REB applications be submitted to both CHEO and OHSN REB.
CHEO and OHSN REB will work collaboratively to review and approve the research studies using a single Board of record.
What if there are no study activities at CHEO, but the investigator(s) are dually affiliated?
No ethics submission is required at CHEO.
What is the process for requesting research studies be reviewed under this agreement?
Study teams must complete a REDCap Survey: TOH & CHEO REB Harmonization
The Survey will be reviewed to determine whether CHEO or OHSN REB will be the Board of record for the life of the study.
The study team will receive a notification indicating which REB will be the REB of Record.
The study team will receive research ethics review and decision making from a single REB (OHSN or CHEO) for the life of the study.
Application must be submitted using CTO Stream. Through CTO Stream, research teams will need to submit the following:
- Provincial initial application
- Centre initial application for both sites
Institutional approval
In addition to obtaining REB approval, the study team must also obtain Institutional approval at each institution (OHRI or OHIRC and CHEO/CHEO RI) prior to starting the study.
If in addition to CHEO and or TOH/UOHI, the research will be conducted at multiple sites in Ontario that are participating sites in Clinical Trials Ontario (CTO), the research study team should not complete the TOH & CHEO Harmonization REDCap Survey but should submit directly through CTO Stream.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the REB office.