Our work in patient engagement is guided by our Research Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC). PFAC is made up of CHEO family members who believe in the impact research can have on how we care for kids at CHEO and beyond as well as six administrators/researchers from the CHEO Research Institute (CHEO-RI). The committee works to engage families in all aspects of research conducted by CHEO-RI.
PFAC’S Purpose
Based on experienced family voices, the PFAC advises and makes recommendations to CHEO-RI staff in order to promote family engagement in research. We’re moving beyond families as only research participants to families as partners in all aspects of the research process from developing an idea or research question to sharing the study results.
Responsibilities and Opportunities
Our members:
- Attend monthly meetings at the CHEO-RI (in person, teleconference or video conference).
- Advance client and family-centered research.
- Help researchers identify and plan future directions.
- Provide advice on the communication strategy:
- Help researchers plan how to best share the results
- Help researchers ensure that results are understandable to families who were part of the research
- Co-present or co-publish findings
- Help with social media communication (e.g. Discovery Minutes)
- Advise the CHEO-RI on how to promote family engagement in research
- Share knowledge with caregivers and other parents
Patient and Family Advisory Committee Members 2024-2025
Kim Courtney
Family Engagement in Research Facilitator (Chair), CHEO Research Institute

Dr. Hana Alazam
CHEO Pediatric Rehabilitation Specialist

Dr. Shawn Beug
Scientist, CHEO Research Institute

Jennilea Courtney
Director, Research Operations, CHEO Research Institute

Johanne Saintelus
Research Administrative Assistant, CHEO Research Institute

Cheryl Kreviazuk
Research Coordinator, CHEO Research Institute

Taila Hartley
Operations Director, Grants and Human Resources, CHEO Research Institute

Jessica Hay (co-chair)
Family Leader

Aidan Mohamed
Family Leader

Neha Abro
Family Leader

Ian David Kawpeng
Family Leader

Adam Fobert
Family Leader

Natalie del Signore
Family Leader

Andy Statia
Family Leader

Suzanne Deliscar
Family Leader

Expression of Interest for PFAC Membership – Terms Starting September 2025
We are excited to announce that expressions of interest are now open for up to 5 new members on the Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) at CHEO Research Institute (RI). This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute your voice in shaping healthcare services, research, and policy at CHEO.
Who can apply:
We welcome individuals with lived experience, including patients, families, and caregivers. Additionally, there is one upcoming vacancy for a Research Institute (RI) staff member with an interest in patient engagement and patient-oriented research.
Term Details:
The new 2-year terms will begin in September 2025. The committee meets virtually for 10 evenings per year, taking a break over the summer months.
For more information or to submit your expression of interest, please contact Kimberly Courtney at [email protected].
We look forward to hearing from you!