CHEO Research Institute 2024 Awards of Excellence


Ottawa, Ontario — Wednesday December 18, 2024

The CHEO Research Institute celebrated a year of research excellence and recognized seven individuals for their accomplishments at the annual Awards of Excellence on Dec. 18, 2024.

“Every new discovery is a testament to the exceptional team here at the CHEO Research Institute. Together, our researchers and research support staff shape the future of children’s health care. Congratulations to the 2024 Awards of Excellence winners, and a big thank you to everyone for an incredible year.”

Dr. Jason Berman, CEO & Scientific Director, CHEO Research Institute.

The Research Institute 2024 Award Recipients

Outstanding Researcher

Donna Johnston

Awarded to: Dr. Donna Johnston

Dr. Johnston is a Senior Scientist at the CHEO Research Institute and Principal Investigator for the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) at CHEO. She works to improve supportive care and quality of life for children and youth with cancer.

Outstanding Research Mentor

Katie O’Hearn

Awarded to: Katie O’Hearn

Recognized for outstanding research mentorship, inspiring others to succeed in fulfilling CHEO’s mission.

Outstanding Trainee

Sarah Rogers

Awarded to: Sarah Rogers

Recognized for outstanding achievements in research, high academic performance, and leadership.

Outstanding Research Staff

Tyrus Crawford

Awarded to: Tyrus Crawford

Honored for outstanding contributions to research at CHEO, embodying core values of excellence.

Osmond Impact Award

Kathleen Pajer

Awarded to: Kathleen Pajer

Recognized for significant contributions to CHEO Research Institute’s growth.

Sandy Boehmer Spirit of the RI Award

Martine St. Jean

Awarded to: Martine St. Jean

Presented to an individual or team exemplifying CHEO’s core values of curiosity, passion, and equity.

Rhonda Correll Leadership Award

Ivan Terekhov

Awarded to: Ivan Terekhov

Recognized for outstanding leadership in research and teamwork at CHEO.

Areas of Research