Ottawa, Ontario — Wednesday August 19, 2020
The research community across the country banded together to lobby the Federal Government for financial assistance to offset the personnel and additional start-up costs that are being incurred by our researchers as a result of the COVID pandemic. The efforts of the community have paid off as the Government developed the Canadian Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF). The fund is $450,000,000 and is being allocated to research institutes across the country. Details of the fund can be found at https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/crcef-fucrc/index-eng.aspx. The purpose of the CRCEF is to provide wage support and research maintenance / ramp-up costs.
Some key components of the CRCEF are as follows:
· Only research staffing costs are eligible;
· Research staff funded through Government grants are ineligible (including Tri-Council, other Federal, Provincial and Municipal);
· Principal Investigator salaries are ineligible; and,
· Administrative staff salaries are ineligible.
One of the requirements of the CRCEF is to establish an Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee. This Committee is charged with the task of developing an EDI strategy and statement and most importantly to ensure an equitable distribution of the funds allocated to CHEO RI. The CHEO CRCEF EDI Committee is comprised of Dr. Dhenuka Radhakrishnan, Samira Chamaa, and Chris St. Germain. All three members of the committee have completed online training on unconscious bias – https://www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/program-programme/equity-equite/bias/module-eng.aspx. It is strongly encouraged that all researchers and staff participate in the online training.
The CHEO RI, along with several other research institutes in Ottawa, are in a unique situation where we also qualify under the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program. This program is much broader than the CRCEF as it covers all employees. One limitation, however, is that an institute cannot make a claim under both programs during the same reporting period. Fortunately, the CRCEF is providing coverage to CHEO RI during period(s) when it does not qualify for CEWS.
As CHEO RI is required to and fully supports the distribution of funds on an equitable basis under the CRCEF, the CRCEF EDI Committee believes the same principles should apply to the distribution under the CEWS.
The funding process for both the CRCEF and CEWS will be completed in the fall. The Committee will be working with the Senior Management Team on the distribution formula that will ensure a fair and equitable distribution. Once all eligibility details are accumulated, further communication will be provided outlining the next steps on the distribution. The CRCEF EDI Committee welcomes your questions and input on the program which can be directed to Chris St. Germain at [email protected].
Stage 3
Stage 3 of the Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF) has now been launched, and the purpose of this email is to describe the internal process by which research leads (principal investigators) who hold and manage research funds at the CHEO Research Institute can apply for to receive funds. The purpose of this funding is ‘to support extraordinary incremental costs associated with maintaining essential research-related commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then ramping-up to full research activities as physical distancing measures are eased and research activities can resume ($125 million total allotment for the program).’
Our funding allocation is $315,740.93. Please note that we are able to request additional funds beyond this, if we have the proper justification. Only direct costs of research are eligible. Applicants must justify the need for the funds based on actual costs that have been incurred or costs that will be incurred between March 15 and November 15, 2020.
You can access the guideline document and application form by clicking here. Information about our EDI Strategy can be found in the following document.
EDI Strategy CRCEF for CHEO RI
Applications must be received by the CHEO Grants Office ([email protected]) by noon November 16th.
For more information, visit https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/crcef-fucrc/index-eng.aspx. You are also encouraged to consult the Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQ) for Stage 3 of the program: https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/crcef-fucrc/faq/ramp-up_costs-couts_de_reprise-eng.aspx. This FAQ comes in response to a number of questions that have been raised by institutions since the launch of Stage 3 on September 4th, 2020.
If you have any questions about your submission or the program, please contact Samira Chamaa ([email protected] or Chris St. Germain ([email protected]).